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  1. Planet Hopper Girl says:

    Srilanka is very close to my home town. Never realized it had many adventure options. Adding to my list 😃

  2. Mark and Chuck says:

    Beautiful! Looks like we may need to add yet another country our list…. 

  3. Maria Veloso says:

    You had my sold at safaris! I’m such an animal lover, I would happily travel half way across the world to see a wild animal I haven’t seen before so I’ll certainly be going here! 

  4. I had no idea that Sri Lanka was such an adventurer’s paradise!  I love the outdoors, and especially hiking. 2 other adventures from my bucketlist are also on this list of things to do, a safari and surfing. Sri Lanka is the perfect spot to get it all in at the same time!

  5. I never thought about visiting Sri Lanka, but it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing this list of all the amazing things one can do there. I may have to add it to my list, especially knowing about the scuba diving. 😃

  6. Carol Colborn says:

    Wow, so many land and water sports to chose from for those who love adventure…so many things to do in Sri Lanka,! It looks stunning too

  7. What more reasons do we need to explore this gorgeous country. Not to forget the ever courteous and warm people, lovely food, and many many historic sites to visit! I am still regretting that even after spending 1/4th of my life very close to srilanka, I never managed to visit the country! Can’t really wait to explore them.

  8. Sri Lanka, is on my list. And I’m so happy there are so many options to spend time. It’s been on my list for so long

  9. Sri Lanka has been on my list for a long time. I have been to India and Thailand several times. But I haven’t got to Sri Lanka yet. It is beautiful nature, culture, and cuisine that I would like to get to know. I want to try surfing and scuba diving. I agree with you that Sri Lanka is perfect for this.